Assalammualaikum semua dan selamat sejahtera :) selamat datang ~ hope this blog bring goods to all readers .. enjoy reading :)

Friday, 8 November 2013

Matriks Labuan # part 1

Cover Photo

Sem 1 akhirnya berakhir..hehe,,legaa..sekarang tinggal tunggu result pula..apapun..nikmati cuti ini..haha,

   Hmm...lama da x tulis apa2 ni..its been a while,.hhe..matrik? x sangka saya akn belajar dsana..but, i learn many new things..kat matrik sy jumpa kwn2 dr sarawak..wa,,hhe,,even classmate sy ramai org sarawak kut..hhe,,

    Orientasi kat sini saya rasa ok ,cuma memenatkan,tp mmg orientasi memenatkan kan?? will be ok if u enjoy it ^^~   

    Satu hari tu,assignment terakhir subjek sc comp adalah membuat blog,my lecturer says kalau kita writing something ,make sure that it will benefit readers not ourself..hmm..time tu sy terfikir juga..but i choose both..ok kan ? hehe, thanks to my lecturer . .he inspired me a lot..thank u sir !

  Banyak gak memory sya disini ,terutama dengan classmate,yang paling tdak d lupakan ialah kmi kluar dinner makn steambot kat satu restoran tu..di kelilingi laut..mmg x dilupakan..itu aktiviti terakhir sebelum exam..harap sem depan jumpa lagi :) 

    Last but not least,if u learn something..dont wish or ask for granted ok ? Hargai ilmu anda :)


Tuesday, 6 August 2013

last Seventeen..

  Hari ni last sudah saya berumur 17 tahun, bersamaan 28 ramadhan 1434 H /6 ogos 2013..hmm...
tiada yang istimewa pun sebenarnya,,tp saya terfikir nak tulis kat blog ni..bukannya blog orang saya juga kan..hhe,,

  Banyak yang berlaku sepanjang bulan mulia ni yang membuatkan saya terfikir balik perjalanan hidup saya..hmm..manusia sering lupa bahawa tuhan sentiasa ada setiap saat..betapa lalainya kita dalam mengingati Allah..rasulullah.. Sepanjang 17 tahun..banyak benda baru yang saya belajar ..jumpa kawan2 baru..argh..rindu pula dengan kawan..macam2 hal yang  terjadi..yang baik yang buruk pun ada..
apapun yang terjadi kan..kita mesti sentiasa bersyukur kerana dapat hidup di bumiNYA..ingat tuu..

   Apa lagi mau tulis ni idea ouh..hhe..hmm..kepada para pembaca atau kawan2 saya..apa yang saya harapkan di hari jadi saya esok bukanlah wish atau saya harapkan doa kalian untuk saya..doakanlah agar saya sentiasa di rahmati Allah..aminn..

 And last but not least,..hehe..saya nak ucapkan

                                 Selamat Berpuasa 



                         selamat hari raya 

                                   maaf zahir dan batin

 P/s : wish me luck for the mid semester exam next week ok..:D

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Tingkatan 6 ??

        Wa.. Esok da masuk tingkatan 6..tahniah tuk kawan2 yang dapat  tuu..
excited pula..ahaha..apapun study elok-elok..pedulikan apa orang cakap yang STPM ni untuk orang2 yang tak pandai. Kamu semua pandai , tapi rezeki kamu di STPM. Siapa taw di STPM ni.,kamu lagi cemerlang,gemilang dan terbilang dari yang straight A =) !


    Bina lah kejayaan mu dengan sebaiknya..sayang kamu semua :)
    Sentiasa yakin bahawa Allah sentiasa ada ~

        FOr My BFFL

 Suhairi n Syaheera  :

 ~ chayo-chayo kawanku 

  ~ May Allah bless u forever
 ~ Doakan kejayaan bersama :)



Monday, 1 April 2013

~Work Experience

Yesterday was the last day i work here as the waitress....
its so meaningfull and wonderful to me as this place has create a lot of memory in me..
well..its all begin at the 1borneo hypermall where i met AfIqah Munirah @ mun :)
she asked me if i interest to work at her mom's restaurant
 ,,then i accept her offer..hahaha..
the first day i worked was on tuesday..i came early in the morning..
the first thing that came in my mind was 'why is there was nobody here..?'
but the question then answered when there a car was the stuff here..i'm glad..
however i didnt enter at the restaurant,,i'm so shy on that day and i keep waiting for mun
after a several minutes..mun arrived with her brother whom we call him ajai..
and the day begun ~
there i met kak Enn and her husband ,abang Imam and also their son,,azawira or along,the active young boy
and not to forget kak Aida ...hehe..
i'd also met kak nor,aliyah ,kak ct and kak ros ..they had worked at the restaurant also
but not so in a long sad..hehe
truly i say that my life and day was so cheerful  here..morever mun always making me laugh..
well..we shared a lot of memories such as sharing 
(serius mw ja ak post pic mu sini..ahaha)
and other fun things..
my job as the waitress has taught me to be a very patient person especially when we need to face some kind of manner that is hard to must be complicate ,,right?
well..that is reality to me either yesterday,now or in the future..just be patient..
second thing that has taught me was the hardness..
the hardness to survive your life,,he hardness to give a full commitment..its all taught me..
its so precious to remember...
HURM......well,lets me promote the food right?hhe

haha..sorry because this the only picture i got..but it seem tasty right?..lets COME here at
& i also want to thank to my friends because they had visited our restaurant..thanks for your support
: Fera haniey, zahra , ira, salviah,elinah,Azie Zha ,nirai ,muhajirah,KN,arq male,anan
apis sam,rusna,nik,ku,syafiq,najib n nazri,,shatir..izam ,izzat,umar,sabri and others..

To MUN : trima kc bawa aku kerja kat restoran ni r..SYG KO..aku xkan lpa
kenangan kita d cni,,seh2..haha..

To Kak Enn : trima kc kak sbb sdikit sbnyk kkk ajar saya realiti hidup ni..trima kc
atas sgalanya..

To Abg Imam : urm....apapun..masakan abg tetap terbaik..! haha

To kak IDa : trima kc kak..selalu la sbr dlm hidup..saya tw kkk boleh !

To Ajai : urm...tanggungjawab itu menunjukkan diri kita..peliharalah kepercayaan 
yg diberikan sebaiknya..apapun gud luck dlm hidupmu..


Tuesday, 26 March 2013

GraDuation isn't the EnD !

if  you're going to write ur name 
on a piece of memory to store it forever,
lets write it on something that we treasure..
look at all the exciting days we spent together
that filled up of  our hearts with our memories
I've worn these school shoes and uniform for a long time
and i'll surely miss the prank on the whiteboard
but to get through tomorrow
i seem to have to leave them behind the door
but hey.we got to meet a wonderful friends
we'll be forever friends
we have photos of all of us
we share the same keychain
and they'll forever remain to shine
just like your smile
the places that we shared..
even we're not together,lets look up at the same sky and sing together
if you'll say that you love us we'll tell you that we love you twice
make sure you didnt forget anything
we'll be forever you my friends <3


    The shortest distance between a problem and a solution 
        is just the distance between your knees and the floor....
         the one who kneels to GOD 
               can stand up to anything !! :)